Please remember...
- In general, be kind and give people their space.
- Masks are optional. You are welcome to wear one if you feel more comfortable doing so.
- As cute as your face is, don’t touch it.
- Wash your hands a lot and make it last 20 seconds.
- Wipe down exercise equipment.
Please review these COVID-19 screening questions before visiting. If your answer yes to any of these questions you are not permitted to enter Meriden-New Britain-Berlin YMCA facilities.
- Do you have a cough, shortness of breath or any other cold or flu symptoms not assessed and cleared by your primary physician?
- Have you knowingly been exposed to someone diagnosed with COVID-19?
- Did you or someone in your household get a COVID-19 test (not related to regular screening or medical procedure) and are you or your household member waiting for test results?
Programs & Classes
All regularly scheduled programs and classes are running as scheduled. In the event a program must postponed due to COVID, we will make it up. Program directors will be in touch with participants as information becomes available.
Any program or fitness classes not held for holidays or due to inclement weather are not refundable nor transferable.
Cleaning & Disinfecting
The Meriden-New Britain-Berlin YMCA is committed to maintaining a safe and clean environment. We will continue our stringent cleaning and disinfecting protocols throughout all areas of Y facilities and program sites. The Y will only use products that meet the EPA’s criteria for use against the virus that causes COVID-19. We will be using the Electrostatic Sprayer daily.
We also ask members to please wipe down machines before and after use. If you use a mat, shower, etc. you must spray and wipe down after usage. Frequent handwashing and hand sanitizing should also be practiced while at the YMCA.
Resources for More Information:
Note: All policies are subject to change and are reviewed on a regular basis with the guidance from local health departments, State of CT DPH, and YMCA COVID-19 reopening committee.